September 1-10, 2025
Embodying the Heart of Compassion: An Intensive Mindfulness Retreat Vallecitos Mountain Refuge, near Taos, New Mexico
with Bill Morgan, Psy.D., Susan Morgan, MSN, RN, CS and Chris Germer, PhD
The point of mindfulness meditation is not simply to train the mind, but to engage the heart in all of its heart tones; lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.
In this nine-day retreat we will explore the heart quality of compassion. Compassion is often talked about as a quality of heart that “quivers” or trembles in the face of suffering. Yet it is perhaps more accurate to say that it is a whole-body attitude of heart-mind that opens to pain or disturbance and intentionally ministers to the suffering that is present.
Bill and Susan Morgan along with their beloved colleague, friend and internationally known Mindful Self Compassion teacher, Chris Germer, will lay the foundational groundwork necessary for mindfulness practice to grow, flourish and support ease of wellbeing. We will offer ways of bringing compassion forward in order to deepen and stabilize this essential quality of heart and offer it toward ourselves, others, and the world.
This retreat provides a safe, nurturing container in which to explore these practices There will be daily mindfulness meditation instruction and three to four hours of structured practice each day, plus dharma talks most afternoons in combination with dyadic or small group discussion. The rest of the time we will observe silence, including during meals, to facilitate a deeper contemplative experience.
This is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in an exquisite natural environment and work closely with leaders in the growing field of clinical mindfulness meditation and compassion. Every effort will be made by the teachers and staff to give each participant a delightful, meaningful retreat experience.
We will spend much time, in silence, sitting and walking through the pristine natural paradise of Vallecitos Mountain Refuge. Please join us!